Thursday, February 03, 2005

PA: Hafer over Casey?

If we want a Democratic Senate, then we should mke sure it is in line with our values. Hafer seems to be more in line with the Democrats than Casey. But, until the polling starts to come out -- we will hold out endorsement. Either way -- I think all parties agree, there will not be a contested primary.

From the Philly Inquirer:
Barbara Hafer, who just concluded two terms as state treasurer, said she met recently with Reid and has hired a pollster who could begin testing public opinion on a possible race as early as next week.

"I'm exploring, trying to find some basic information," Hafer, 61, said. "Everybody's talking but we don't have any hard data. What are each candidate's strengths and weaknesses? What's Rick's vulnerability? Right now, it's just a lot of talk."

Hafer, a staunch supporter of abortion rights, was a Republican long on the outs with her national party's conservative leadership. She became a Democrat after endorsing Gov. Rendell in the 2002 governor's race. "I don't think we're going to have a contested primary," she said.


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