Saturday, January 29, 2005

ND: Bush's invasion

Bush's trip to ND is two-fold. 1. to get North Dakotans to pressure Dorgan and Conrad to back him on his Soc. Sec. rape. and 2. to begin the push against Conrad for re-election.

North Dakotans, turn your back on Shruby. He is only using you.

From the Grand Forks Herald:

Aides to Bush have said he plans to travel to North Dakota ... to push his Social Security plan and lobby Democratic senators, including Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D.

"I think he wants the citizens to put some pressure on the senators to back the Social Security plan," said Pam Younggren, a Republican chairwoman in Fargo.

Conrad and Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., said they are happy Bush is stopping in the state but said they do not support the idea of borrowing money to pay for private accounts.

"He certainly has the right to make his case, and I welcome him," Dorgan said. "But I feel strongly that it's a failed strategy to borrow money for Social Security."


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